The Effect of Using Parallel Corpora on Translation Quality


  • Tayebeh Mosavi Miangah 📧 Corresponding Author, Associate Professor, English Language Department, Paym-e Noor University, Zayd
  • Maryam Mohammadi Dehcheshmeh MA Holder, English Translation, Allameh Tabataba'i University


Over the last ten years or so, the translator’s workplace has changed. Dictionaries have limitations in providing all possible equivalents, enough authentic examples of the word usage, enough options for solving translation problems, and there are difficulties in searching them. However, modern technology opens new horizons to translating in a more comfortable situation introducing the enormous amount of data and higher speed. In this study it has been tried to compare the quality of translations produced with and without the help of the parallel corpus to see whether using a parallel corpus in translating has any effect on the output quality of translations made by translation students. The results show that all students achieved 55% improvement in the translation with the help of corpus which is very encouraging. Students of translation can get ideas from this study to use corpora in translation to increase the quality and speed of their work.



How to Cite

Mosavi Miangah, T., & Mohammadi Dehcheshmeh, M. (2012). The Effect of Using Parallel Corpora on Translation Quality. Iranian Journal of Translation Studies, 9(36). Retrieved from



Academic Research Paper