Translatorial Interventions and Narrative Structure



The present paper attempts to explore the relation between a narrative text in one language and its translated counterpart in another language, making use of Rimmon-Kenan’s (2005) narrative model, adapted to translation. First, the structure of narrative, i.e. story, text and narration is introduced in brief. Story level elements including events and characters, together with text level elements, i.e. time, characterization and focalization are chosen for analysis. These constituents of narrative are redefined to count for what happens through translation. Providing several examples, it is shown that all of these elements may change in the process of translation. Therefore, against the common belief among narratologists who claim that changing the language of a narrative does not affect its story (Rimmon-Kenan, 2005, p. 9), it is argued that the translator’s interventions in the narrative, regardless of its being conscious or unconscious, affect both the story and text levels of narrative. It is concluded that the translator’s perception of the story world and adjusting this world to the real world as experienced by the translator is the major factor responsible for these interventions. Therefore, providing several examples of translatorial interventions, the present study argues in favor of translators’ idiosyncrasies as the reason behind these interventions.

Author Biographies

Farzaneh Farahzad

Professor, Department of English Translation, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran;

Afsaneh Mohammadi Shahrokh

PhD Candidate, Department of English Translation, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran;



How to Cite

Farahzad, F. ., & Mohammadi Shahrokh, A. . (2018). Translatorial Interventions and Narrative Structure. Iranian Journal of Translation Studies, 15(60). Retrieved from



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