Analysis of the Translation of Elahi Qomshei’s and Fouladvand’s Translations on the Basis of the Morphological and Syntactic Level of the Garcés Model:

Verses from Nisa Chapter Concerning the Topic of Marriage


  • Yousof Hadipour Nehzomi Corresponding Author: Academic Member, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj
  • Farhad Divsalar Academic Member, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj
  • Sayyed Hossein Mohebatizadeh 📧 Ph. D. Candidate, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj


Since the evaluation of the translations must be based on the scientific principles and models, the present research set out to evaluate the translations of four verses of Nisa Chapter concerning the important topic of marriage by two contemporary translators, Elahi Qomshei and Fouladvand, on the basis of Garcés's model of morphological-syntactic level in an analytical-descriptive way in order to become clear, in the light of the defined criteria, the quality of the translations. therefore, after a brief introduction of the Garcés model and its components at the morphological-syntactic level, the extent of the application of these criteria in the translation of the considered verses has been examined, and at the end, the positive, negative and neutral criteria of each translator is shown in an statistical table and a percentage diagram. So, it became clear that Elahi Qomshei's translation with the following points: positive 82%, negative 16% and neuter 2% points has better quality than Fouladvand's translation with the points: positive 78%; negative 22% and no neuter point. Of course, this conclusion indicates that the positive and negative components of the Garcés model in a translation of the Qur'an cannot be absolute, but can change depending on the type of translation and its necessity.

Keywords: Fouladvand, Garcés, Marriage, Nisa, Qomshei, Translation


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2023-01-23 — Updated on 2023-02-17


How to Cite

Hadipour Nehzomi, Y., Divsalar, F., & Mohebatizadeh, S. H. (2023). Analysis of the Translation of Elahi Qomshei’s and Fouladvand’s Translations on the Basis of the Morphological and Syntactic Level of the Garcés Model: : Verses from Nisa Chapter Concerning the Topic of Marriage. Iranian Journal of Translation Studies, 20(80). Retrieved from (Original work published January 23, 2023)



Academic Research Paper