Methods Employed in Rendering Metonymy in the Ancient Translations of the Holy Qur'an: The Case of Tabari, Meybodi and Abul-Futouh Razi


  • Zahra Mohammadi 📧 Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch
  • Simin Valavi Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch


Familiarity with the techniques of rhetoric and the recognition of metonymy and its different kinds is one of the important issues in the translation of the Holy Qur'an. Therefore, in this paper, first, the method of examining the translation of the Qur'an and metonymy and its kinds is discussed, and then based on the deductive-inductive method, by mentioning evidence from the individual authorized metonymy of the ten second parts (joz') of the Holy Qur'an, the methods of their rendering in the three ancient Quranic translations (Tabari, Meybodi and Abul-Futouh Razi) have been investigated. According to the findings of the study and its analysis, the results indicate: the mentioned translators have not followed the same methods in rendering authorized metonymy. They have used various methods of translation, such as literal, content-wise, and interpretive translation in conveying the meaning of metonymy to the audience. Tabari and Abul-Futouh Razi have followed mostly literal translation. But Meybodi has had the most content-wise translation in rendering metonymy.


Translation methods of the Qur'an, individual authorized metonymy, Tabari's translation, Meybodi's translation, Abul-Futouh Razi's translation

Author Biographies

Zahra Mohammadi, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch

Ph.D. student of Arabic Language and Literature in Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran;

Simin Valavi, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch

Associate Professor of Arabic Language and Literature group in Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran


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How to Cite

Mohammadi, Z., & Valavi, S. (2019). Methods Employed in Rendering Metonymy in the Ancient Translations of the Holy Qur’an: The Case of Tabari, Meybodi and Abul-Futouh Razi. Iranian Journal of Translation Studies, 16(64), 17–30. Retrieved from



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