Semantics of the Translation of the Condensed Verses of the Qur'an Based on Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic Relations


  • Maryam Heidari Delfari Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch
  • Simin Valvi 📧 Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch


The Holy Qur'an, the most important prophetic miracle, is the document of the truth of Islam and the charter of life at all times. This literary masterpiece, along with the wise and audacious selection of words, has reached the peak of eloquence and rhetoric and has a great deal of meaning and value. The correct understanding of the Qur'an depends on a better acquaintance with literary and rhetorical forms, which requires translation to get the concept. One of these rhetorical techniques is necessary (deletion); attention should be paid to it. And mentioning the disgrace in the republics and, in most cases, seemingly necessary to achieve a better understanding of the meaning of the verse. Therefore, succinct verses contain words within themselves that their translation is a great help in understanding the verses.
This research, by means of semantics, which gives a detailed analytical look to the text of the translation, addresses the explanation of the reflection of the words and examines the succinct verses in the companion axis. The result of this research suggests that, in some cases, the substitution of some of the words in the words of the word (s) is impregnable, but in all the verses it is not possible to talk about the revelation and the accompaniment of the blatant words.


Translation of the Holy Qur’an, styles, condensation, syntagmatic relations, paradigmatic relations

Author Biographies

Maryam Heidari Delfari, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch

Ph.D. Candidate, Department of the Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Studies, Islamic Azad University, Central Branch, Tehran, Iran;



Simin Valvi, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch

Associate Professor, Department of the Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Studies, Islamic Azad University, Central Branch, Tehran, Iran;


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How to Cite

Heidari Delfari, M., & Valvi, S. (2020). Semantics of the Translation of the Condensed Verses of the Qur’an Based on Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic Relations. Iranian Journal of Translation Studies, 17(68), 7–23. Retrieved from



Academic Research Paper